

The 3rd International Conference on Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy


November 2-3, 2024 ONLINE via MS Teams

Welcome to CCORE 2024

The 3rd International Conference on Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a crucial aspect of our global transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy landscape. The diverse array of sources, including sunlight, tides, waves, wind, rain, and geothermal heat, offers a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels. The importance of renewable energy is underscored by its potential to address both environmental concerns and the growing global demand for energy.

According to BP's 2018 Energy Outlook, the trajectory of renewable energy is set to soar, with a projected fivefold increase by 2040. This substantial growth is expected to contribute around 14% of global primary energy, marking a significant shift in our energy consumption patterns. This transition not only reflects a commitment to mitigating climate change but also acknowledges the need for sustainable solutions to secure our energy future. The urgency of transitioning to renewable energy is further emphasized by the adverse impacts of climate change. Rising temperatures pose substantial threats to both human well-being and the environment. Extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and disruptions to ecosystems are just a few of the consequences. By embracing renewable energy sources like biofuels, societies can actively combat climate change and work towards a more resilient and sustainable future. Reducing reliance on fossil fuels is a pivotal strategy in slowing down the effects of climate change. Fossil fuels contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating the greenhouse effect and global warming. Embracing cleaner, renewable alternatives not only helps mitigate these environmental impacts but also promotes energy independence and security.

While historically, renewable energy was perceived as economically less viable than conventional sources, advancements in clean energy technologies are rapidly changing this narrative. Continuous innovation and research have led to significant cost reductions in renewable energy production, making it increasingly competitive with traditional energy sources. This economic shift is a driving force behind the global shift toward renewable energy adoption. Governments, businesses, and individuals play pivotal roles in advancing this transition. Incentives, policies, and investments that support the development and adoption of renewable energy technologies are crucial for accelerating the shift away from fossil fuels. Public awareness and education are also essential components, fostering a collective commitment to a sustainable energy future. In conclusion, the growth of renewable energy represents a beacon of hope in addressing climate change and building a more sustainable future. The projected increase in renewable energy adoption by 2040 signifies a positive step toward a more balanced and environmentally responsible energy mix. Embracing renewable energy is not only a technological necessity but a moral imperative to safeguard the planet for future generations.

The 3rd International Conference on Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy (CCORE 2024) that will be held from November 2-3, 2024, ONLINE via MS Teams-Virtual conference without any physical participation. It delightfully welcomes all the researchers and developers to share their experiences and ideas through research talks and presentations from diverse fields in climate change and ocean renewable energy. This event offers a platform in bringing together a forum for students, postdocs and established scientists to exchange their ideas and contribute to an integrative approach to climate change and ocean renewable energy. The submissions can be in the form of oral presentations or poster presentations, through virtual platform. The best oral and poster presentations of each session will be honored with a certificate of merit. Selected papers after processing through blind peer review will be considered for inclusion in the international peer-reviewed SCI/ISI journals and conference proceedings.

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Dr. Saim Memon
Renewable Energy Engineering
Sanyou London Pvt Ltd, United Kingdom
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Md. Munir Hayet Khan
INTI International University, Malaysia
Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Norazwina Binti Zainol
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sergio Pena-Neira
Universidad Mayor, Chile

Prof. Dr. Eng. Enrico Zacchei
USAL University, Salamanca, Spain

Prof. Anupam Khajuria
United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Japan
Dr. Yousry El Sayed Mattar
United Nations Development Program, Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture, Saudi Arabia

Prof. Dr. Bilal Acar
University of Selçuk, Turkey


Prof. Dr. M A Hannan
Sunway University, Malaysia


Dr. Ahmed Hassan
Matrouh University, Egypt
Dr. Samet ÖZTÜRK
Bursa Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati
Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Dr. Garlapati Nagababu
Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India


Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
Oct. 10, 2024
  Full Paper Submission Deadline
Oct. 20, 2024
  Notification of Acceptance
Oct. 25, 2024
  Registration Deadline
Oct. 30, 2024


Unpublished and original papers are encouraged to submit via Online Submission System. All submitted full papers will go through the peer review process and acceptance will depend on the quality, originality, language and relevance.

1. Accepted full papers will be published on the book series Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences (SPEES) that indexed by Scopus.

2. Selected full papers based on scope and peer review results will get published in international Journals.

Journal of Environmental Management 
IF: 8.7

Special Issue: on "Climate Change and Marine Renewable Energy: Opportunities and Challenges for Growing a Blue Economy" (Journal of Environmental Management IF: 8.7). Portal submission system open after the conference.


Past Editions

CCORE2023 conference proceedings

All the accepted papers for the CCORE2023 conference proceedings will soon be published by Springer in the book series "Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences" (SPEES).

CCORE2022 conference proceedings

All the accepted papers for CCORE2022 conference proceedings have been published by Springer on the book series Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences (SPEES) with Electronic ISSN: 2524-3438 and Print ISSN 2524-342X.

Conference Topics

Prospective authors are requested to submit quality research articles on the Climate Change and Ocean Renewably Energy, and key topics can be but not limited to:

  • Renewable energy  technologies (e.g. Coastal and Offshore Wind, Waves, Tides, Ocean Currents, Salinity Gradient Power, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), Hydro Power Systems (HPS)…etc.)
  • Global environmental change and ecosystems management
  • Prediction modeling and decision support tools
  • Climate-related disasters and reduction
  • Intelligent integration of renewable energy technologies
  • Global warming
  • Development and utilization of Ocean Energy
  • Ocean energy policies and economics
  • Climate change impacts on Ocean renewable energy
  • Impact of climate change on water resources and river management
  • Impacts of climate change on health and well-being
  • Climate change and regional economic development
  • Regional Climate Modeling
  • Challenges, opportunities, and solutions for climate resilience
  • Financing urban climate change mitigation
  • Greenhouse gas emission and measurement
  • Hydrology and climate change
  • Groundwater management and climate change
  • Greenhouse gas emission and measurement

Paper Templates

All the submissions (Abtract or Full Paper) should be formatted according to the conference template.

Microsoft Word Template

* Full paper must be written in English with a minimum paper length of Six (6) printed pages including  tables, figures and referencess;
* Full paper must should contain original, high quality, not submitted or published elsewhere work on the topics of the conference.

For those who want to do presentation only without paper publication, please submit the abstract for review only.

Abstract Template

* Abstract should be written in English and at least contains 250 words.

Submission Method

The author should submit the manuscript for review before the deadline via CMT:

▪ First-time users of CMT should register a account firstly, then upload your paper to the system.

▪ Your submission will be confirmed immediately by the system and in 2-3 working days by conference secretary. Please make sure that you set SPAM settings to allow emails from info@ic-ccore.org

▪ For further information or any questions regarding paper submissions, please contact at info@ic-ccore.org


CCORE Best Presentation Award

CCORE 2024 committe will select the Best Presentation Award during the conference.

Evaluation Criteria for Presentation: Each presentation is evaluated by two session chairs and the average mark of both session chairs is taken as the final mark. The best presentation from each session will be selected based on the final mark. Below 6 aspects are taken into consideration for this award:
▪ Applicability ▪ Originality ▪ Significance ▪ Visual Aids ▪ English Delivery ▪ Timeliness

1-“Multi-Criteria Suitability Analysis for Siting Solar Power Plants Case Study: Kuwait”
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Hassan El-kasaby, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Education, Matrouh University-Egypt

2-“Effects of cattle biogas effluent application and irrigation regimes on rice growth and yield: A mesocosm experiment”
Dr. Huynh Cong Khanh, Can Tho University-Vietnam

3-“Flow-induced Motion Investigation on Novel SPAR Wind Floater on Damping Plate Configurations”
Dr. Fuad Mahfud Assidiq, Universitas Hasanuddin-Indonesia

4-“Unlocking Wind Energy Potential in India's Coastal Region: A Climate Change Resilience Assessment”
Dr. Garlapati Nagababu, School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Energy University-India

1-“Evaluation of Floc Characteristics Induced by Heavy Metals in An Estuarine Environment”
Febina A Manaf, TKM College of Engineering- India

2-“Influence of Vertical Plates on the Pitching Motion of a SPAR Wind Floater in Waves”
Fuad Mahfud Assidiq, Universitas Hasanuddin-Indonesia

3-“Developing a Decision Support System for a Pumped Storage Hybrid Power Plant”
Ilkay Ekici, Eskişehir Technical University-Turkey

